Meet the Team

Christo Joubert20180618153325

Christo Joubert

Owner and Professional Hunter
Christo Joubert is the founder of Chivic African Safaris. He began his professional hunting career in 1996, and has had his Big 5 license for years. Christo's knowledge and respect for animals is unmatched throughout South Africa. Christo’s true passion is cape buffalo hunting and sharing those experiences with others. His most important goal is to always give his clients a truly exceptional experience with memories that will last a lifetime.
Rifles of choice: .375 H&H and .458 Express
Karen Joubert20180618153438

Karen Joubert

Karen Joubert is Christo’s daughter and co-owner of Chivic African Safaris. She is also the General Manager, who handles all of the administrative responsibilities.  In addition to all of her other responsibilities, Karen is also an incredible tour guide as well. Karen has a degree in Game Farm Management and is a member of the Field Guide Association of South Africa. Karen’s not-so secret in life is her compassion for animals, and she loves nothing more than showing Africa’s beauty to others.
Johan Espach20180619122128

Johan Espach

Professional Hunter
Johan Espach is a Professional Hunter whose specialties are hunting crocodiles, hippopotamus, and cape buffalo. He has been hunting most of his life. Johan's favorite style of hunting is to use patience while out in the bush. Johan's incredible personality will quickly make it seem as if you are sneaking through the African bush with your favorite hunting buddy. Be advised, his gigantic smile is contagious.
Rifles of choice: .375 Ruger and .458 Winchester
Jim Hensley20180619122402

Jim Hensley

Partner and USA Representative
Jim Hensley joined the Chivic team to provide a contact within the United States. Jim has traveled to Africa many times and has deep knowledge of the travel requirements as well as all the wonderful things Africa has to offer. Jim is always eager to answer your questions, help you with planning your trip, or simply to just talk about Africa.   Jim lives in Mequon, Wisconsin and works as a detective in the Homicide Unit of the Milwaukee Police Department.